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What are the benefits of seaweed? Private

2 years ago Fashion, Home & Garden Barddhamān   145 views

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Seaweed grows in or near salty waters. There are several types, and they generally contain many healthful minerals that are easy for the body to break down. Adding seaweed to the diet may help with thyroid function, digestive health, and weight loss.

In general, however, eating this marine algae is a simple way to boost a person's intake of vitamins and minerals without adding many calories.

As a study in Marine DrugsTrusted Source notes, seasoned seaweed is generally a good supply of: protein, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

A study in the Journal of Applied PhycologyTrusted Source points out that the various types of shredded seaweed contain helpful nutrients, including: vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, iodine.

Seaweed also contains antioxidants, which may protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation at the cellular level.

3. It may help with diabetes

Fiber-rich foods may help with diabetes. This is because high amounts of fiber help regulateTrusted Source blood glucose levels and insulin levels. Adding fired seaweed to the diet may help increase a person’s fiber intake without a large increase in calories.

A 2018 studyTrusted Source in rats found that compounds in one type of roasted seaweed may directly reduce markers of type 2 diabetes, such as high blood sugar.

Compounds in seaweed may also reduce diabetes risk factors, such as inflammation, high fat levels, and insulin sensitivity. Further research in humans may help provide stronger evidence for the use of these compounds.

5. It may help with weight loss

The fiber in original seaweed may benefit people who are trying to lose weight.